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Do You Know The 20 Rules Of Money ? (Part 2)

 Welcome Back to The Part 2 Of 20 Rules Of Money. 

Before I Start Anything, let me Inform you that if you have not read the Part 1 of this Article, I Highly Recommend you to Read that First. The Reason behind it is that, in Part One I have Discussed about the Rules from 1-5. And If you directly start from this Article you will miss some of the Most Important Rules. 
So, I Kindly request you to go and Read The Part 1.

Now, you are Ready to learn the Next 5 Steps of Money. 

And yes, Believe me these Steps are going to be more Valuable than the Last 5 Steps. So, if you Wish to make Millions or even Billions for Yourself, you need to read and Understand these Basic Rules Of Money.
So let's Start without Wasting any Time. Because Time is Money...

# 6 - Boredom

This word so called 'Boredom' means Getting Bored with Something or Someone. Don't let Money get Bored with You. This might seem Illogical but it is True. If Money is not Happy with you it will go with someone else who knows how to use Money. So make Sure that Money is always Moving with you.
Here by moving let me make it clear that you are Dominant over Money, so it is going to Follow you. If you make a Good use of it, you will always Attract more Money. You can Invest or Purchase Real Estate Properties which in turn is going to make Profits to you. This is quite Relatable to The Fear of Inflation. When you are Aware about Inflation you always try to increase the Value of Money, so that you are safe from Inflation. It's kind of same over here, if you always try to Increase Money and start to Love Money, more Money will come to you.

# 7 - Secret Account

Always have a Secret Account for Yourself. You Must be having many Accounts that your Family Members, Friends and Relatives must be knowing. But, I would suggest you to have Secret Account for Yourself about which No one Knows !!! The reason behind this is the Other Name of the Secret Account, which is 'Crisis Account'. Now, you must be having a Clear Idea of why I was telling you to have a Secret Account.

The Magic of this Crisis Account shows up when you are about to Drown in your Business.

Of course I would never hope of so. But you know when you Start to do Anything, the Only thing that you get before Success is Failure. And that's the Hard Truth of Reality. So, lets say if your Company has made a Serious Loss during a Year and the Condition is so bad that you need to Shut Down your Company due to Low Funding. Here the Only thing who is going to Save you as a Hero is your Crisis Account. This is the Account that Nobody knew about, so you never used it in your Business. And this is the part when Timing comes into play, (discussed in the previous part) you invest the Money left in your Crisis Account which helps your Company from Shutting Down.

# 8 - Don't Enjoy Until You Have Reached Your Goal

This Statement is very Obvious, but Believe me many People Fail to Put this into Work. Let me Explain you this in more Detail with an Example. Let's say that your Goal is to make a Billion Dollars. Right ?
Now, your company makes a good profit and your Dividends earns you let's say $10 Million. Now, you are a Rich Person. You can afford Luxury Mansions, Supercars, Yatchs, etc. Like Buying a Lamborghini is just Nothing for you... And this is the Part when your 8th Rule Applies. If you Purchase Luxury Stuffs at this point of Time, unknowingly you Create a Mindset that you have Achieved Success. But the Reality is that you Completed just 1% of your Goal. 
The Interesting thing about this Rule is that you Never Come To Realise it if you start to Live a Luxury Life. That's the reason why I say Don't Enjoy until you have Reached your Goal Full 100%.

# 9 - Compensation Plan

Have A Clear Vision of what you want to be. In Business there are 2 Possibilities: Owner or Worker. It's up to you. Study about your Surroundings, at what place do you Live ? What your Audiences want ?...
You need to do that's beneficial to you and your Society. If you are Benefiting your Country in any single way it's a Plus Point for you. For e.g. let's say, if you are a Business Owner, the benefit you will get from the Government or let's say The Country is that you will have to pay less Taxes according to U.S. because you are Increasing the Employment rate of the Country which will Eventually help the Growth of the Country.

And the Last Rule of this Part is 

# 10 - End Of The World Mentality

This Rule is Related to The Times when Crisis Occurs. The Time when people are afraid and starts to take out their Money from Investments, Properties and all other Luxury Stuffs they own. The reason behind this act is that people are afraid that they would loose their Money. Which is not the Case at all Times. Because Every Time Crisis occurs A Lot of People get Wealthy. This happens because when Crisis occurs there are Lot of Opportunities to get Rich. Now, you must be thinking that How is this Possible when all others are Suffering ? That's true because during Crisis, 90% people take out their Money without thinking that there is always an Opportunity to Bounce-Back. Whereas, the 10% people who left their Money Invested, after Crisis get's Super Rich. The Best Example is, during 2008 Crisis in U.S, everybody took out their Money because Dow Jones was at 6,000 points. But if they would have left their money Invested, Imagine what would have been the Results in the Present Time ? Dow Jones is now at 21,000 point. This happened because you Simply thought that this was the End of the World. And you let others Thinking control Your's. The Big Mistake.

So, guys these were the Rules 6-10 of Money. I hope you will surely follow them and Create a better Lifestyle for Yourself and your Family.


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