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Do You Know The 20 Rules Of Money ? (Part 1)

You must have seen many people with Tons Of Money ! Am I Right ? If Yes. Then I must say that you are also willing to make some Wealth for yourself and Live like a Billionaire...

Now these People over here, make more Money than What They can even Imagine !
Today I am going to discuss with you The Powerful Rules Of Money which will help you to make Money in No Time. Money will be just a Passive Thing for you. 

Now, Listen Carefully, If you Follow these Rules you will Achieve The Power of Generating Money. After reading this Article you will get the Exact Knowledge and Value of Money. You will be able to Understand the " Tips and Tricks " to make Money Easily.

To make Money now let's Start with it's First Rule - 

# 1 - Money Is A Game

First Things First. Make your Mind Think that Money Is A Game. 
It's... Just... A... Game...
Now, why I am telling you to do this Stupid Stuff ? 
Because,  If you don't have a proper Mindset you will never Achieve Money. Also, remember the Quote.

     " The Mindset is the Number 1 Factor in Achieving Success "
                                                                                - Saygin Yalcin 

So, to Start earning Billions, you must have a Proper Mindset that you are destined to become a Billionaire. It's Only you who is going to make that Billion Dollar.
So, now let's get to the Point that what I actually mean by saying that Money Is A Game ?
In any game, you can be the Master of the Game by Learning and Practicing it Several Times. Similarly, it is same that you can be Good at Earning Money by Learning and Practicing it again and again...
If you want to make Billions Of Dollars then you have to Think and Work like a Billionaire. Simple as That.

# 2 - Love Money

Yes, you heard it Right. You have to Love Money to get Money. Now, be extra Cautious because I am not telling you to get Addicted to it. You simply have to start Loving Money. If you will hate Money, Money will never come to you. This is a very Obvious Rule but also very Important.
If you don't Start Loving Money, you will be saying like, " Money does not Grow On Trees " ( in deep voice ).
But, always remember if You don't Love Money, Money will never be Attracted to you.

So, always Love Money.

# 3 - Game Of Doubles

Did I Mention That Money Is A Game ? Mmm... YES ! But, did I mention What Game it is ? Nope !!!

So, that's where our Third Rule Comes. ' Money is a Doubles Game '
Now, what I exactly mean by saying it is that, You have to Start Doubling your Money Constantly. For better understanding let me show you an example.

E.g. - Let's say you want to make a Million Dollar and that's your Dream. So, you have to start Calculating that How many Doubles you are away from your Dream ? That is $1 Million. Let's say you have $5 K ( $ 5,000 ).

1. $ 5 K
2. $ 10 K (double of 5 K)
3. $ 20 K
4. $ 40 K
5. $ 80 K
6. $ 160 K
7. $ 320 K
8. $ 640 K
9. $ 1280 K ($ 1.28 M)

So, the Conclusion is that, You are 9 Doubles Away from your Goal. Now, to achieve the Goal you have to Double your Money 9 Times (9x). So, this Method is based on The Power Of Compounding.
If you don't know what is Power Of Compounding ? Don't worry, just let me know if you want a Whole Detailed Article on Power Of Compounding which is also referred as the 8th Wonder of the World by Albert Einstein.

# 4 - Money Should Be Seduced

This is very True that Money needs to be Seduced. You need to Understand that You are the King and Money is your Slave.

And the reason I am telling you to do this is because, You make Money, Money does not makes You. Understand this Relationship carefully. You are more Important than Money because Money can be made again but you are only Once For All !!!
So, you need to Behave like a Dominant. This Mindset will help you in Proper Management of your Money. This is same as that, The Army General knows how to handle his Army during the War Times.

# 5 - Timing

The Timing is a very Important Factor In Running any Kind of Business. It's somewhat related to Experience too. You should know when to take Actions and when to Not. And that's what Timing is all about.

If You Really want to make Millions or Even Billions, you need to have a proper Knowledge in the Field of your Work. As you are the Boss (King) you should know What Decisions are Right For You ?

So, I really hope that you are now aware of The Rules Of Money. Ok... Ok... OK!!! I know that you are Now like " What are you Saying ? You said that you will mention the 20 Rules of Money!!! "
I know that, but this is Just the Part 1. In this Article, I just mentioned the Mindset and the Perspective at looking towards Money. This was just all about How you must Behave with Money.

If you want to know more Rules Of Money, let me know in the Comments and I will be with the Next Article ( Part 2 ). In the next Part i will exactly show you the Technical side of the Money-Making Rules.

If you want to know more about Money and Entrepreneurship, here it is...


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