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Billionaires Shower Routine

How To Take A Proper Shower?

As Money and Respect is important to become a Successful Billionaire. 
It is also important to take care of your health and looks. Billionaires always try to be perfect in all their works. So, taking a proper shower is also very essential. It will help your skin to glow more and will give you better looks. 
And believe me doing this will take you a step closer in achieving your goal of becoming a billionaire. I have been following these steps in my shower routine and there is a change in my attitude, looks, health and even in my way of looking at things differently.

So, let us discuss what are those steps which one should follow in his/her Shower Routine

 1. Hot Or Cold Shower ?

Taking a hot or cold shower has a very important role on your mental and physical appearance. There are some proper periods, which determines whether you should take a hot shower or cold shower.

In mornings, I would prefer you to take cold shower because at night time after a long period of sleep your neurons are not active enough to perform a task or action immediately. Taking a cold shower at this time helps you to re-connect all your nervous system. After taking a cold shower your neurons are now activated and gives you their best performance. This process works on the principles of Cold Therapy.

So, the question arises that when should we take a hot shower ?

Hot Showers are usually taken to relax our body and mind. So, the perfect timing for it is at evenings.
Why evenings ?
Because after all of the hard work done by you during the day time, your body gets exhausted and needs some good rest to recharge itself again. So, if you take a hot shower in the evening especially, in winter evenings, I can guarantee you that when you will sleep you will feel relaxed and will be able to sleep well.
This happens due to the warmness of the hot shower. When you take a hot shower the heat inside the water relaxes your muscles and makes them loose.

2. Getting A Proper Hair Wash

Maintaining a proper hair growth is very important as they play a major role in determining your looks.

So, here are some Questions and Answers about Hair Care

  • When should we apply hair oil ?
The night time is most preferred time for applying hair oil and the reason behind it is that when you sleep the oil gets enough time to penetrate inside your scalp. But, if you apply hair oil at day time there are more chances of dust particles sticking to your hair and making them rough and dry. So, it is better to apply hair oil at nights.

  • How frequently we should apply Shampoo ?
Actually, we should not apply shampoo on a daily basis as it can remove all the natural oils from our scalp and make our hair dry.
So, you should apply shampoo just 2-3 times in a week. As shampoo extracts all the natural oils from our scalp it is also necessary to moisturize the hair again. To do this you can apply a conditioner or any other hair moisturizer.

  • What temperature is  best suited for hair ?
Actually the roots of hair are very delicate. So maintaining a proper temperature while taking a shower is very essential. Hot water is not suitable for hair wash as it can damage the scalp easily and increase your hair fall rate. Therefore it's better to use cold water while taking a hair wash.

You may use some products like a scalp massager or a shower cap to wash your hair. Always remember to wear a shower cap when you don't wash your hair because unnecessarily getting your hair wet can make them thin and rough. 

3. Washing Your Face

You all must be knowing that the facial skin is the most delicate and reactive part of our skin. So, it is very important that you wash your face in a proper way. And I really mean " A Proper Way ". 
So, let's check out how should you wash your face ?
  • First of all let me clear that washing the face is just not rubbing it with foam or any other gels.
  • Actually, you have to remove all the oils and dust from your face without causing any damage to your skin.
  • So, always try to be calm and gentle in any situation while washing your face.
  • Rather than just rubbing your skin, wash your face in a circular motion. The reason behind it is that when you rub your hands in a circular motion against your face you are creating a magnetic effect between your palm and face. This help in better circulation of blood in that region.
  • After applying foam, don't just wash it away. Let it be there for some time (2-3 min), so that it can penetrate inside your skin and extract all the oils.
  • In case if you have any acne, dark circles or any other skin problems, do not panic and stay calm with your skin.
  • Wash your face in slow circular motions, so you ensure that you are not damaging your skin cells.
Following these methods can result in better skin health and allow your skin to be attractive and glow more.

4. The Body

After some Facial Care, here comes our rest of the body.
So, for this you can use your own methods and rules because our rest of the body is strong enough to adapt its surroundings.
But remember to wash each and every part of your body so that you don't leave any chances for bacterial or fungal growth. It includes armpits, groins and other bacteria prone areas.
Here are some Tips for better skin and hair growth:
  • Try eating more of the Green Vegetables
  • Wash your face at least 2 times in a day
  • Drink plenty of Water
  • Eat more and more of Dry Fruits
  • Apply skin moisturizers before going out

So Why Am I Telling You This ?

Yes, I am telling this because if you will have better skin health you will be more confident in your work. Also, you will always be positive and full of enthusiasm. You will be more creative and look special than the rest of the world. This will surely raise your standards of living.
So, why don't you try some of these basic and easy habits of taking a shower and put yourself ahead than other people.

You Only Get One Life, So Make The Best Out Of It


  1. Very good..useful scientifically prooved physical care tips for better life.

  2. Great well I will add it in my routine.


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