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The Billion Dollar Morning Routine

The Successful Habits Of Billionaires

 Winning a Morning is considered to be a very powerful habit as it teaches us the importance of Discipline and helps us in getting things done. It is considered that " If You Can Win The Morning, You Can Win The Rest Of The Day ".

So, Here are the 6 Rules listed below which you can follow to change your Life.

The 6 Rules For Winning a Day

1. Waking Up Early

Waking up early is a very effective habit. It helps you in giving some additional hours of a day than what other people get. Also, people who wakes up early often tends to go to bed early i.e. they are more likely to get enough sleep so that they can give rest to the body & refresh their minds. Waking up early gives you more energy because of the silence, calmness & freshness of your surroundings. It helps in rebooting your mind & fills your mind with positive thoughts. A Scientific Theory states that when your mind is fresh & filled with positive energy, your productivity increases by 10 times.   

2. Recalling Your Dreams

This might seem odd, but it is very important as when your are sleeping your thought processes are performed by your sub-conscious mind & not by your brain. It is a process of interconnection of ideas & thoughts across the neurons inside our brain. When you are dreaming, you are recalling all the activities & tasks performed throughout the day whether it is good or bad. You are actually re-thinking on ideas, thoughts, beliefs & solutions that are fitted in your sub-conscious mind. So, recalling our dreams is very beneficial as it increases our power of thinking.

3. Making Your Bed

Making your bed is very important & most of the people often forgets to do it. But, my best advice to all of you is that take 2 minutes & develop the habit of making your bed. This is a success habit & believe me it will raise your " Standards Of Living ". Also, it will give you a positive feeling of getting things done. It tells you that you are perfect in at least one thing. In the evening, when you return home from your daily work, you are tired & exhausted. So, the habit that you developed of making your bed, brings you back to success i.e. your bed is already made & you just have to sleep.

4. Drinking Water

So here is the process where you fully recharge your mind & body. At night when you are sleeping your body gets dehydrated. So, it is very important that in the morning you again hydrate your body. After drinking water, your body is now filled with plenty of oxygen. This helps in better functioning of your body and helps you in concentrating on your breathing.

5. Meditation

Doing meditation in the morning is proved to be a very healthy ritual. Meditating allows you to focus on your goals & gives you the energy for doing things effectively. While you are meditating you are focusing on your breathing and all the positive energy around you. You are thinking for new solutions, results, processes for you to achieve your goals. It helps you in gaining more energy from your surroundings. So, always give some time for meditation in the morning or evening.

6. Reading 

After all your cleansing processes, you are now ready to gain some knowledge & information. Reading in morning allows you to access all the knowledge that is necessary for all your goals in life.
Maybe, you are just reading a newspaper, but it is also beneficial because when you are reading in the morning, your mind grasps things faster than during the rest of the day. So, I would always prefer to read in the morning & gain as much knowledge as you can. 

So, here were the 6 rules which if you follow in your Daily Routine, you will notice changes immediately.
When you focus on the Results, you Don't get the Change. But When you focus on the Change, you immediately get the Results.


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